
improve chatbot to optimize customer communication channels

Improve your chatbot to optimize customer communication channels

Discover how analyzing chatbot interactions can help make customer service channels more efficient overall.
inbound email routing helps achieve sales potential

How inbound email routing helps achieve sales potential

Businesses can make a ton of new sales by automating inbound customer email routing.
Customer self-service portal improvements to reduce calls to customer service

How to improve your customer self-service portal and reduce calls to customer service

Learn more about how Feelingstream has helped businesses improve their customer self-service portals and reduce incoming customer calls.

More visibility during remote working adds up to better business decisions

Remote work means that managers work from home. The customer service team that is serving customers is either working from home or in a safe work environment. This new situation that the managers find themselves in demands for more visibility tools. They can help, guide or make decisions about efficiency, customer satisfaction or value increase....
Remote customer service made efficient with conversation analytics

Remote customer service made efficient with conversation analytics

A few months ago, no one knew how radically our work life was going to change in the coming months. Governments all over the world have requested companies to close their offices and work from home. This means that customer service agents are also working from home offices. Remote customer service is now the new...
automated crm notes for visibility

Automated CRM notes for making every customer service call visible

One of the most common ways how customers can reach out to a company is by calling them. Most large companies have service centres to handle the load of incoming calls. It could be thousands of incoming calls every day, each request containing lots of valuable information – about the call topics, customer opinions, hints...
Text analysis Feelingstream

How can text analysis of emails improve your customer service?

When thinking about customer service, we all know that emails are a very big part of daily conversations with customers. It seems easy for the customer to send an email and wait for a reply. Several things can make this process not as smooth as expected. If no text analysis is done and everything is...

Speed is a crucial component of customer experience

When your company serves customers or tries to onboard a new customer, then the speed of the response is the key to success.  We will show you why it matters and how to achieve this goal. What is fast? When a customer’s request is waiting in a queue for longer than one day, then this...

Small companies can make tiny changes for big impact

A small real estate company recently asked Feelingstream to analyze their inbox. This case made it clear that the size of a company does not determine the amount of daily communication and related work. Smaller businesses also deal with a lot of communication flow. They could benefit from AI and tips to have a more...
Automated email routing

The story of an Inbox

Feelingstream started a pilot project for the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in November. The aim was to analyze incoming e-mails in various inboxes and establish the most common themes and emotions. The results are now in and they’re somewhat surprising. The Ministry receives as many as 50 e-mails a day. 24% of...
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