
How do customers speak in different customer service channels

How do customers speak in different customer service channels?

Our speech to text solution makes customer calls searchable in text format. But this new kind of customer insight calls for a new way of thinking.

More visibility during remote working adds up to better business decisions

Remote work means that managers work from home. The customer service team that is serving customers is either working from home or in a safe work environment. This new situation that the managers find themselves in demands for more visibility tools. They can help, guide or make decisions about efficiency, customer satisfaction or value increase....
European Data Incubator win Feelingstream

Feelingstream won the European Data Incubator Program: Solving the chatbot visibility problem

Feelingstream won the EDI (European Data Incubator) Program. During the last 8 months, our team had only one focus – to build an MVP for our data provider Telia. The MVP consisted of chatbot analytics and automatic reactions to various calls and chats based on our customer interaction analytics AI. Here are our reflections on...
Feelingstream 2019 in review

How to get customer insights and prepare for sales in 2020 – a year in review

This week the Estonian Government AI top-level meetup Kratitreff presented insights from AI-related pilot projects in governmental organisations (read more here). The main challenges relate to missing hypothesis, unrealistic targets or inadequate project teams during the POC-s or trials. We at Feelingstream share this view. Therefore, I would like to share the experience we had...
Finnish speech-to-text ASR model - Feelingstream

Finnish speech-to-text (ASR) solution detects leads from conversations

Lately, we have been developing our own Finnish speech-to-text model and now it’s ready! We’ve designed the Finnish speech-to-text model to help large companies detect business-critical patterns from existing phone calls, such as sales leads, quality leaks, unhappy and leaving customers. Analysing phone calls helps sales managers to find new sales leads (upsell and win-back leads) from...
fast service - the future of our lives

Fast service – the future of our lives

Do you want to get a tailor-made marketing message from your service provider? Do you enjoy fast package delivery? Would you expect to get an offer exactly when you are looking for utility service or regular grocery shopping? Sure you do! Feelingstream conducted a survey last week in the Level 11 event for innovation leaders...
5 ways of using AI for chatbot analytics

5 ways you can use AI for chatbot analytics

Air New Zealand’s chatbot “Oscar” used to be able to answer just 7% of customer queries. With that in mind, it makes sense why many businesses are unsure whether to deploy or extend the services of their chatbots. But fast forward in time and “Oscar” now answers over 75% of customer queries. It has now...

Employee happiness leads to customer satisfaction

A key question in today’s competitive world is employee happiness. It drives the business, performance, and the sales results in customer oriented companies. There is a direct relation between motivated employees and customer satisfaction. Happy employees in contact centers make the difference Firstly, as customers, we all seek for exceptional customer service. We look for...

Intelligent auto-replies will become a game-changer!

Automatic responses are a widely used e-mail type in customer service. Auto-replies are often discarded due to their impersonal and trivial content. Feelingstream’s new exciting technology might change that perception in a profound way. Auto-replies can be more than just a thank you for waiting We often expect customer service agents to be almost superhumanly...
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