
CEO of Nordea Group Accelerator Feelingstream Terje Ennomäe 2016

How many feelings fits in a room full of startups?

3 months ago, 12 startups were accepted to Nordea Startup Accelerator in Helsinki that is powered by Nestholma. Little did we know about what’s really going to happen and where we will find ourselves, our idea, our product and the whole team today. On the first day we joined other teams to get to know each other better....
Ajujaht Terje Ennomäe Lauri Ilison Feelingstream

United team and applications

United team Our team is what defines and helps us towards our goals and vision. We took some time to spend quality time together and as always, weird things happened. When you don’t have to speak about work, you only speak about work 🙂 We had such an amazing and productive time together with delicious Portuguese food...
Terje Ennomäe

Pitching and pilots

Pitching One is to pitch to the audience that is kind of familiar to you already or where at least some people are your friends or family or where the environment you’re in is holding and embracing you. It’s a whole lot different to make this first international pitch in a new place to a bunch of...
Nordea Feelingstream Stockholm 27102016

Our participation in Nordea Startup

News about Nestholma From the beginning of Feelingstream, some levels during our journey on improving businesses in the Nordic and Baltic regions have been set as milestones. If we set aside our technical capabilities and customer experience knowledge, there’s a sector we know extremely well – finance. Both of our co-founders have many years of experiences from...
Feelingstream VUNK stage1 2015

VUNK reflection, next plans – weekly review #4

Being part of VUNK was like experiencing a type of explosion - rapidly changing, intense and inspiring. It was amazing to see how the initial idea of our product morphed and grew in the tight and constructive feedback loop between us and the mentors and organizers. The pragmatical Miyazaki-ish ambience of the venue amplified the...

Value proposition, product, validation – weekly review #3

After the VUNK hackathon all chosen 7 teams gather on Tuesdays at Startup Wise Guys‘ office. What we like there the most, is that we get instant and honest feedback about everything we have worked on during the week. All the teams are so supportive of each other, that it feels like we are all...
Feelingstream VUNK hackathon 2015

Business model, problem validation, team – weekly review #2

The second week with Vunklabs went by already with a stronger tempo and more complex tasks. Since we gather weekly at Startup Wise Guys‘ office, we kind of feel like we’re back in school. It has the same kind of discipline, homework and feedback sessions in front of the “class” and just in general a...
Lauri and Mike Ajujaht

Weekly Review #1: pitching, pilot customers, architecture

Hi world! Feelingstream is an early stage startup and we want to share our story with all of you out there! We participated at the first Eesti Telekom’s accelerator program VUNK for B2B and B2C startups and we won it! VUNK aims at changing the telecom industry for the better and we are now part of it! During very intense...
happy customers generate more profit

Happy customers generate more profit

Successful people follow simple rules in their everyday lives. It’s a known practice that dealing with positive activities improves your own positivity and power. Psychologically it also prepares you for other kind of activities that might be completely different in nature. This is the mindset we want to take to call and contact centres as...
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